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Computer Technicians & IT Specialists in Flinders Street Melbourne CBD

When you have computer problems, it often seems like the end of the world and that is when Nerdcore Technicians come to the rescue. It takes a pretty special person to become a Nerdcore computer technician. Melbourne area is completely covered by us and our computer technicians team is made up of some of the best IT consultants in the business. There is nothing a nerdcore computer technician does not know about computers; no matter what operating system you are running or whether you have a desktop or a laptop computer. When it comes to computer repairs, computer maintenance, IT support, upgrading your computers or computer training for home or business, our computer technicians can and will help.

We guarantee that all of our computer technicians have extensive industry experience. However, it takes more to create a nerdcore computers service engineer than just years of playing computer games. A nerdcore computer technician goes through rigorous IT skills and 'human experience' training and testing to ensure that they are the friendliest, most knowledgeable bunch of Nerds you fully understand the problems and our solutions without having to deal with mind boggling computer jargon.

Everybody needs a nerd they can rely on! With Nerdcore you can even feel like you have your own personal computer Nerd by requesting your chosen computer technician for all you computer repairs needs. Many Nerdcore' customers choose this option because they believe they save time and money by dealing with someone who personally knows their computer equipment inside out. We gladly offer this service, however, we do not believe it is essential because all of our clients' configurations, needs and preferences are recorded and securely stored* to make any Nerdcore your Nerdcore tech.

Our nerdcore computer technicians will come to you and fix your computer problems in the comfort of your own home or on your office premises. If we do need to remove your equipment, we will fix it and deliver it back to you promptly. We operate a same-day onsite service*,  7 days a week, so you will be there when you need help. Our computer technicians Melbourne team works right throughout the greater Metropolitan Area, so your helpful Nerdcore technician is always just a phone call away.

Nerdcore Computer Technicians will save you time, money and hassle by providing computer support, smart advice and computer repairs on the spot. We are so confident in our Computer Technicians that our computer services come with a 'no fix no fee' guarantee.* 

Call 1300 637 326 for your Nerdcore Tech experience!

A natural history note on the Computer Technician, their preferred habitat and activities:

A computer technician is a type of animal that thrives on computer repairs and maintaining computers and servers. Computer technician's activities include building or installing new hardware; configuring and updating software packages; and setting up and maintaining computer networks. The computer technician lives in a variety of natural habitats, but tend to congregate in the public and private sectors.

A computer technician can be found in a large and natural light deprived corporate information technology department, a service center, or the wide expanses of retail computer sales environment. Despite the vast variety of natural habitats, all computer technicians engage in similar physical, investigative and analytical processes. Mature and experienced computer technicians choose to specialise in fields like data recovery, system administration and information systems. one kind of computer technician likes to stay with a large group of other technicians and some prefer to go it alone and own a small business that provides services in a local area. Some sell their expertise as freelancers or consultants. This type of computer technician ranges from hobbyists or enthusiasts that volunteer or make a little side money, to those who work professionally.

The computer repair problems that you may need to track down your own computer technician for, range from a minor hassle of an incorrect setting, to nasty spyware and virus infestations, and as far as replacing physically damaged hardware or an entire operating system. Some technicians are domesticated enough to provide on-site services usually at an hourly rate. Other groups of technicians provide services off-site, where the client can drop their computer equipment off at the repair shop.

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Ring out national helpdesk line on 1300 nerdcore



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