Fixed Price Flat Rate Fee for repair on all MacBook Air Repairs
Our certified techs have over 15 years of experience in MacBook Air computer repairs.
We can fix any MacBook Air hardware or software issue you are having with your MacBook Air laptop. We allow you to choose the flat rate fee of 350.00 Parts are not included.
Here is a list of common issues we can resolve for or flat rate:
Common MacBook Air Hardware Issues:
Macbook Air Broken or non-working keyboard (this includes missing keys)
MacBook Air Broken motherboad or AC adaptor port on the motherboard
MacBook Air USB ports do not work on your laptop
MacBook Air Cosmetic issues including broken plastics and broken touchpad buttons
Macbook Air Laptop will not boot to Mac OS screen
MacBook Air Hardware error messages and blue screens
MacBook Air Laptop overheating and fan problems
MacBook Air Hardware replacement for ANY parts (extra fees will incure for new parts)
Common Software Issues:
Macbook air Slow or sluggish inside MacOS
MacBook Air Malware removal including Viruses, Spyware, and Rootkits
MacBook Air MacOS Error Messages including Blue Screens
MacBook Air Programs are not working properly
MacBook Air Laptop will not connect to the internet or network
MacBook Air Drivers are not loading correctly
MacOS reinstallation
MacBook Air repairs
Our Flat-Rate repair fee will cover any hardware or software issue.
Nerdcore MacBook Air Computers Repairs Service Centre in both Melbourne & Victoira. We are located in 3a Willesden Road Hughedsale Victoria, 3166
Don’t hesitate to give us a call or text if you have ANY questions! 1300637326