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Recover Hard Drive Data Quickly

No one wants to be in a scenario where they need to recover hard drive files because of either mechanical failure or accidental loss. But while many PC users have seen this unfortunate event, fewer still even imagine it a possible scenario, much less something to prepare for. So when a hard drive recovery issue does pop up its head, panic looms. And panic is the enemy of the user who wants to recover hard drive data. Knowing this fact is half the battle, but only half.

Even if you are not really equipped for a catastrophe data loss scenario, it is not the end of the world. Staying proactive with your documents and data is the best treatment for data loss, and here is a fine way to start:

1. Don’t Panic – Data recovery professionals say this to clients everyday: if you panic and do something bad, you may lose your data forever, and make it impossible to recover your hard drive. If you think you have experienced an total hard drive failure (and your operating system cannot “see” or use the drive), be calm. There is likely not much you can do. This is a task for professionals with specialized equipment including a Clean Room. Where panic can destroy however, is when you attempt to “retrieve” accidentally deleted data by yourself. This leads us to point number two.

2. Don’t Bother With Data Recovery Software, Run From Utilities – Are you an everyday user of data recovery software? If so, go to it. But if you’re in a panic and are searching for “that answer”, anything that claims to recover hard drive data back to its original state, pause for a moment. Understand that data recovery software is a very shady game. Vendors who market this product make their living playing off of the fear and panic of panicked users. Ask yourself this: is there a money back guarantee? Will the vendor be liable and pay you for lost data? Both questions are a classic no. Don’t waste your money. And as for utility products, realize that in the hard drive data recovery industry, these are known as data mass murderers. The fact is, these applications aren’t specifically made for data recovery purposes, so why use them for that purpose?

3. Get Expertise – If the data you’re sure is going to sink you if it’s gone forever is really that critical to you, would you trust it to an amateur? The answer is probably no, so why would you qualify yourself to assess and retrieve hard drive data? Do you have a secret job as a data recovery engineer? Fine. Go for it. But if you don’t, for the sake of your files, contact a professional. The call is pretty much always free (if it isn’t, hang up!), and these people work with panicked people that fear their data is gone everyday. Even if you don’t want to pay for a service, they can at least point you in the right direction. Consider this first!

It’s a basic fact – hard disk drives crash and accidental file and partition deletion happens. Knowing you have a plan to recover hard drive files and data when that time comes is key to your peace of mind, and to recover hard drive files.

Now that you know what to do when you need to recover hard drive files and data, why not learn how to retrieve your lost data. Check out our HDD recovery tutorial for a complete look at the process, or see about our hard drive recovery services here.

Tags: Computer Data Recovery, computers, data recovery, data recovery service, hard drive recovery, hard drive repair, hard drives, hardware, information technology, recover hard drive

Category: Computer Data Recovery

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