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Please note that whilst Nerdcore Computers provides industry best practice techniques, and has a high level of success and customer satisfaction, customers need to be aware and adhere to the following conditions of trade





Customer’ refers to the original singular entity only and is strictly related to the entity the service(s) is/are booked under. Where a business arranges a service, the contact person nominated by the business is responsible for accepting these terms and must be authorised on the business’s behalf to accept such terms and all relations to the entity are bound by such terms. Please note that the business (i.e. customer) is thus bound by these conditions as well the nominated person and related parties to the business. A contractor who contracts work to Bat Tech is expected to adequately inform all related parties to the job of these terms and conditions. Nerdcore Computers will only require the initial main contractor to accept these terms for full acceptance by relevant parties. This is to ensure no conflict with other terms of trade in place between other related parties.

‘Nerdcore Computers’ relates to nerdcore computers employees, direct contractors, or other related parties that are engaged to perform services under the Nerdcore trading business name. Where another entity performs services to a customer on nerdcore behalf but under their own trading name (i.e. in a subcontractor capacity) any warranty or guarantee between Bat Tech and the customer do not apply. i.e. any terms of trade are between the customer and sub-contractor only.

On site work is covered by a strictly 30 days warranty and is strictly limited to the original problems presented. Where other problems may present themselves after the original service, these will only be covered if a direct relationship can be established to the original service and is at nerdcore computers discretion.

These terms are dependent on the items in which the agreement adheres to only being directly or indirectly connected to a power point through a surge arrestor, the computer case or other enclosures not being opened by any other person or entity, the items not sustaining damage through an entities actions whether accidental or deliberate, the items not be subjected to conditions or environments that will aid in fault and/or damage nerdcore reserves the right to deny any guarantee/warranty claim that it deems to be unreasonable, abusing the warranty terms, or are deemed detrimental to nerdcore ability to provide it’s services to other clients, or for applicably just reasons.

nerdcore will act in best faith for the client, however, it is expected the client will take precautions to protect the items guaranteed against damage and/or fault. This includes customers taking full responsibility of their data, operating the system with in appropriate environmental capacities, and avoiding any events that may damage the system.

Nerdcore Computers is not liable at any time for loss of data, productivity, costs, or other negative events brought to a client through services carried out by nerdcore.

Nerdcore computers may occasionally make changes to these terms. These changes take effect from when customers are serviced after the changes | customers who are serviced before any changes are still covered by the terms that were stated here-in when they were serviced.

Applicable statutory regulations and laws may over-ride terms set here

These terms are set to provide protection for nerdcore whilst allowing add-on benefits to customers. nerdcore reserves the right to provide extra services or extension of claims for customers in good faith however such gestures do not void any other terms set here nor set precedence for further claims.

Agreement to these terms for an initial service assumes customer’s agreement to the terms for all future services provided by nerdcore. Customers must notify nerdcore in writing if they no longer agree to these terms in which case all services and warranties are cancelled until the customer accepts the terms again. Cancellation of these terms by a customer does not open Bat Tech to liability for work provided and waives all customer’s rights in relation to work provide.


1.1 On-site Standard Charges Are A Rate For The First 30 Minutes On Part Thereof And A Set Rate For Each 30 Minutes Thereafter Or Part Thereof.
1.2 Equipment Delivered To, Or Taken By A technician To, A nerdcore repair workshop Incurs The Workshop Labour Rate Is A Set Rate Per 30 minutes or Part Thereof.
1.3 All Charges For On-Site /Workshop Labour And Parts are the Responsibility Of The Customer.
1.4 All Equipment Sold By nerdcore Will include All Relevant Government Taxes (E.G G.S.T) Unless The customer Supplies All the Appropriate Paperwork, Fully and Correctly Completed For the Applicable Exemption At the Time of the Order.
1.5 Service Call Charges Cover Labour Only>any Parts Supplied Are Chargeable.

2.1 Standard Service Calls Are Strictly C.O.D Payable At The Completion Of The Service Call.
2.2 Payments For Service Calls Not Made As Per The C.O.D Requirements Of nerdcore Will Immediately Incur A Service Fee Equivalent To The Appropriate Account Rate.
2.3 Account Service Calls Are payable Strictly 7 Days From Completion Of The Service Call , Interest At the Rate of 20% Per Annam Will Be Charged On Outstanding Accounts.
2.4 Accounts Will Only Be considered After 3 months Of Consistent Regular Trading And Are To Be Authorized In Writing By nerdcore Management.
2.5 The Person Listed On the Front of this form Certifies That the Technician Has Been On-Site For The Times And Dated Listed.
2.6The Person Listed On The Front of This Form Hereby Takes Responsibility For The Payment Of The Service Call and any Parts/Components Used.
2.7No Further Service Work will be Completed And/Or Supply Of equipment Will Be Made Available To Any Customer Who is Financially Outside The Payment Terms Of nerdcore.

3.1 Title To The Goods Shall Not pass To The Purchaser Until Payment In Full Of All Goods And Services On All Invoices is received By the Vendor From the purchaser including all monies owing to nerdcore And the purchaser Shall:
3.1.1 Store Goods Which Have Not been paid for Separately And Marked in a way That is Clearly The property of nerdcore.
3.1.2 Keep separate records in relation to the proceeds Of the sale Of any goods which have been sold, Bank The proceeds of any such sale in to separate Account and immediately remit such Funds to the credit of nerdcore.
3.1.3 If any goods are in a Manufacturing Process or Mixed or combined with other Materials the Purchaser shall record the Value of goods so Consumed in relation to each unit of finished product and upon sale of any unit of finished product immediately remit that amount from the proceeds of sale to nerdcore and be given the ownership of these new goods as surety of the full payment of the what the purchaser owes nerdcore.
3.1.4 Until the moment of full payment of what the purchaser owes nerdcore, The Purchaser shall keep the objects in question for nerdcore in His /Her /its Capacity of Fiduciary Owner And, If required ,well shall store these objects in such a way that they can be recognized as such.
3.1.5 If The purchaser does not pay for any goods or services on the due date specified in this agreement nerdcore and its servants and agents are hereby irrevocably/Authorized by the purchaser to enter

4.1 All new equipment Supplied comes with the standard return to base Manufacturers Warranty.
4.2 Any Repairs To Equipment Attracts a 90 Day day limited Warranty to the Actual Hardware Components Repaired.
4.3 Warranty Claims Found to be Software An/Or Configuration Error And/Or Caused by the user will a attract a Labour Charge.
4.4 Any warranty Repairs Carried out at the discretion of the technical manager will be completed at a time and date during normal business hours at a nerdcore service centre.
4.5 Any Warranty Repairs Carried are done to the satisfaction of the technical manager. The manager Decision is final and Binding.
4.6 nerdcore is responsible for loss of data; recovery of data; The making of Backups;Or for Consequential Loss/damage outside the control of nerdcore.
4.7 Unless specifically Mentioned in the initial invoice the warranty period from date of purchase Is; Computer/Monitor /Peripherlas-12 Month ;Mouse/keyboard/joystick/printer cable – 3 months.
4.8 Any warranty offered is only available during normal business hours which are 9am to 5pm weekdays.The time and date of the nerdcore technician (exemptions are to be accounted according to the initial agreement.)
4.9 Any Onsite warranty offered is only available during normal business hours which are 9am to 5pm. Weekdays. The time And Date of the nerdcore Technician Attendance.
4.10 Any warranty claim made causing some action , reaction, cost , purchase or other financial demand on The nerdcore  group that is caused by a specific exclusion to warranty repair will immediately become responsible of the person making the warranty claim. Such responsibility will become immediately payable to The nerdcore group.
4.11 All Freight Costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.

4.12  When purchasing a computer system or electronic device from The nerdcore group an a defect is located on the device you have 24 hours to bring that device back to our head office for us to inspect. If you do not bring back the device in 24 hours and then decide to bring it back later then 24 hours all warranty is voided unless you specify to us either via a phone call or in email explaining that you cannot meet the 24 hour time frame. We will then be able to extend our warranty period. If you another problem occurs during the time you find a defect you must not use the computer at all an will need to return the computer back to our head office within 24 hours.

4.13 Not at an stage are we responsible for damage before or after the repair. We understand that any thing can go with technology and we do not take any responsibility if anything occurs after. This also applies for our technicians you agree to have our technicians or our repair centre to provide you or diagnose a fault your computer might have. If you dont collect your computer from our office after 30 days of bringing it to us we will throw it away. 

We are not responsible at all for any before or after damages. You agree to this by signing the form when you bring your computer related problem to us. 

Warranty Exclusions
5.1 All software Configurations Including computer BIOS Settings, Adapter Configurations, Storage Device Configurations, Network Connections and other installation software for Input/Output devices Attached to the computer.
5.2 Damage or Malfunction caused by the overuse , Abuse, Consequential Loss, Accidental Damage or any environments situation beyond the control of nerdcore or the Manufacturer.
5.3 Any changes to the original configuration of the software operating system installed on the system.
5.4 Software Installation or re-installation and any data or stored information.
5.5 Equipment Not supplied And/or Installed by A Hardware technician employed by nerdcore or at a nerdcore repair centre.
5.6 Any damaged Caused by installation of equipment not supplied by nerdcore or any damaged caused by any Unauthorized person installing such equipment.
5.7 Systems with nerdcore warranty labels attached which have been removed, Tampered with or otherwise interfered with.

6.1 nerdcore accepts that all due care and diligence will be taken with any items taken or received from customers including fire and theft, However ,nerdcore cannot accept responsibility for Flood,Power spikes,surges or terrorism or any other “Acts Of God” that are outside the control of nerdcore.
6.2 The person Listed on the front of this form Hereby Authorizes nerdcore and its employees to perform the work required to get the item into a reasonable working conditions as specified by the customer. This includes removing components and/or software will be the responsibility of the user.
6.3 The Supply And/Or re –installation of Software And/Or backups Will Be The Responsibility of the User.
6.4 nedcore will not load And/or Configure Software which is Deemed to be Pirated.

7.1 All Software To be Loaded by nerdcore , Including operating system, Must be Legal Software(Non-Copyrighted Infringing) And Supplied by the owner of the computer.
7.2 All service calls will be Attended to within the agreed time Frame. nerdcore reserves the right to extend these times given abnormal work louds outside of its control.
7.3 nerdcore will re-configure the operating system and legal software and while all best Endeavours will be made, Cannot guarantee the performance of the software.
7.4 Any Hardware still covered by a return to base warranty and a hardware fault is detected, It is the responsibility of the owner of the equipment to return that hardware to the retailer.
7.5 Monitor Repairs when taken off-site are subject to off-site later and parts charge. Replacement monitors are available at a flat rate of $30.00 prepaid for the duration of the repairer. 

7.6 Most times we are happy to send items that are bought through ebay or through other sites on express postage agreement. Sometimes that might endure a small admin fee to have someone send this. In most cases you want be notified of this fee. It can range from 10$ to 20$ to have a staff member complete the work. 

7.8 No battery we sell come with any warranty. If you buy a battery from us an it does not work in 7 days you can return the battery  an get a full refund. But we do not warranty any battery for no longer than 7 days.

Refunds & Refund rights

When buying from our store or seller (including a business online like ebay), consumers have the same legal refund rights with second-hand items as they would with a new item.

However, they cannot claim a refund for problems that:

  • the store or seller told them about from the add description

  • There is a 15% restocking fee no matter if you are not satisfied or want to return the item for what ever reason. We have to pay our staff to restock that item back on the shelves. If you have taken the time to read our terms an conditions then you agreed to make the purchase. You are not required to sign any documents its our company policy. If you are buying the items from interstate or another country you will need to have gone through our terms of trafe prior to any purchase. Its your responsibility to have read our terms an condition. Sometimes forms cant be signed when your interstate or in another country.

  • They should have noticed when examining the item when picking it up or when they inspected the item online store like ebay.

  • were indicated in photos or the item description on the website or over the phone. Once you receive the product if you still not happy with the item because its not what you expected then there is still a 15% restocking fee.

  • You should read these Terms carefully before signing as it contains important information about your rights and responsibilities when entering into any contract for service with Us, Nerdcore Computers (“We”, “Us” or “Our”) (ABN: 36761358989). Where applicable, these terms apply to all transactions entered into between Us and You and includes terms relating to all work performed by Our Technicians. These Terms are in no way intended to limit or reduce your statutory rights under the Australian Consumer Law (“ACL”) and the ACL shall prevail wherever inconsistencies occur.


  • If We are unable to fix/repair (“fix”) your equipment or provide You with a solution to fix your equipment, You will not pay anything, even if one of Our Technicians attends onsite. You should know that often the only solution to a problem might be that You need to upgrade your system software or hardware, which of course is likely to involve You spending extra money. If this is Our advice for fixing a problem, You will still be charged a service fee and for Our time to attend onsite as this is considered a solution or a fix to your problem, irrespective of whether You choose to follow Our advice or recommendations. a) NOTE: for data recovery and laptop/hardware repairs an assessment fee is charged and is not refundable under the ‘No Fix, No Fee’ policy. You should know that in some cases We may be unable to either recover files for data recovery or repair the laptop/hardware equipment at a lower cost than the price for new equipment of similar or identical quality.

  • 2. 30-Day Work Guarantee:

  • We offer a 30-day work guarantee on all labour performed by one of Our Technicians. Only the work performed (as invoiced) is covered under the warranty and, at Our discretion, We may elect to have the same Technician attend onsite to fix the problem. You must allow Us proper opportunity to fix or rectify any faults or problems. You will not be entitled for reimbursement (by way of money or services) if You engage another service provider to fix or repair any problems that You allege were caused by Us. In addition, Our technician reserves the right to determine, upon proper inspection of your system, whether or not any problems or faults are either a direct, related or unrelated occurrence to any work that We performed. If the problem is unrelated, You will not be entitled to reimbursement.

  • Home or Office (“Onsite”) Repairs:

  • a) For your safety, We promise to ensure that all of Our Technicians receive thorough and regular Police background checks.

  • b) You or an adult over the age of 18 must be present at all times whilst one of Our Technicians attends onsite. For everyone’s safety, under absolutely no circumstances must minors or children under the age of 18 be left alone without adult supervision whilst a Technician attends onsite.

  • c) You warrant that You are an authorised person who has authority to permit a Technician to attend onsite and you acknowledge that We will take no responsibility for any loss or damage due to any misrepresentations made by You with respect to this.

  • d) You must ensure that You or an authorised person is available to allow Our Technicians access to your property at the scheduled time. If Our Technicians are unable to access the property or equipment or if they are made to wait for an excessive amount of time, whether caused by You or another person reasonably associated with you, You will be charged a service fee including the applicable rate for any time spent on-site.

  • e) You must ensure that the site is safe and free from any hazards or potential health dangers. Our Technician reserves the right to refuse to repair your system if they feel unsafe.


Case Study

Examples only (outcomes may differ in individual cases):

Kara buys a second-hand computer from a Second hand dealer store on eBay. The photos clearly show the computer has surface scratches. Kara cannot claim a refund, repair or replacement for the surface scratches. However, she can do so if another fault develops, such as the hinge breaking. The item's age, price and condition must also be taken into account. 

Leticia buys a second-hand computer machine for $250. The store said it was two years old and in good condition but it breaks down after two months. Considering the age, price and condition of the machine, it was reasonable for Leticia to expect it to work for more than two months. She may be entitled to a refund. 


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